A new car in the family is generally a time of great excitement and positivity however, it’s also the time you need to consider covering the risks associated with car ownership. And, while we’re all familiar with taking out insurance to cover accident and theft events, too often the impact of vehicle depreciation, or the added costs associated with settling a finance agreement early are not considered, leaving us vulnerable and at risk of severe financial pressure should the worst happen.

Consider for a moment what will happen in the unfortunate event your car is written off or stolen.  Your motor insurer will settle your claim at the market value of your vehicle at the time of loss. This doesn’t take into consideration the impact of your vehicle’s depreciation, which could be as much as 60% over the first 3 years.  Or even worse, the added costs such as interest and penalties for settling a finance agreement early.

This can leave you with a gap of many thousands of pounds, and wondering how you’ll ever manage to pay off the shortfall… and on top of all that, afford to pay for a replacement.

You’ll be comfortable knowing your Gap Insurance will guarantee you:

  • Cover for your motor insurance shortfall
  • 30-day, no risk, money-back guarantee
  • Up to £250 towards motor insurance excess
  • Up to £1,500 in dealer-fitted accessories
  • Cover for any named driver at no extra cost
  • Cover if your vehicle is stolen with the keys